Christianity's penchant for pillaging has only become less physical, more verbal.
Christianity evidentially keeps trying to convert people from religions, for various stated motivations, somehow labeled as lesser than Christianity.
But another thing is in apologetics itself. You'll see it on this blog and even in the wild that oftentimes Christianity barges into the frameworks of others, destroys everything, and tries to stranglehold you into it's beliefs.
Evolution is permitted to exist but it can never explain the mind, and the times it can explain reasoning it can only do so by making it in stark contrast to truth.
They try to tear a hole and then assert that God is in there. I have explained why this on paper is fake but outside of that you can also see a barbaric urge to destroy what isn't in their book.
It is blatant that the crusader, the theocrat, hasn't been abolished, it has been curbed and can only take forms of ideological sabotage until it regains it's stronghold on the weak and allows them to shed the need for civility.
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